Moms Clean Air Force fought hard for the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), finally implemented in 2012. They give us a lifesaving, effective pollution prevention program that specifically protects pregnant women and babies from harm from the brain-damaging heavy metal mercury—along with other terrible poisons. The mercury standards have helped to dramatically lower mercury emissions from coal plants—which were the largest source of mercury pollution in the US.
The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards are now fully implemented and are successfully reducing American families’ exposure to mercury and other poisonous substances. These standards help ensure 90% of the mercury from coal burned in power plants does not get released into our air.
EPA estimates that the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards save up to 11,000 lives each year, prevent thousands of heart attacks each year, prevent thousands of asthma attacks each year, and prevent thousands of hospital and emergency room visits each year.
The economic benefits of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards are as high as $90 billion each year, outweighing the costs of fixing the problem by up to a margin of 9 to 1. Furthermore, utilities found it was far less expensive than they predicted to install made-in-America “scrubber” technology to keep the mercury out of air. The most polluting coal plants, too old and dilapidated to invest in, were shut down—and this is a win against climate change pollution too.
The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards were weakened by the Trump administration.
President Trump and his EPA worked to undermine, weaken, and ultimately unravel these lifesaving standards. In 2020, EPA finalized a change to the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards that changed the legal justification for the rule, putting the standards at risk.
President Biden announced his commitment to fixing the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards on Day One of his administration. Moms Clean Air Force applauds Biden’s recognition of the importance of protecting children’s health from mercury and other harmful air toxics, and we will continue to elevate this issue to ensure it remains a top priority.
Moms have a long history of fighting to keep mercury out of our babies’ brains.
Moms Clean Air Force fought to get the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards established and implemented—and we are fighting now to fix the dangerous weakening of the standards, finalized in 2020. We helped thousands of moms submit comments to the public docket on the dangerous proposal undermining the MATS; we brought dozens of moms to DC to testify in person at the one public hearing on the MATS proposal in March, 2019; we convened experts to discuss the impacts of the proposal with the media; we hosted a congressional briefing about the rollback with Senator Tom Carper (DE); we testified before congress about the importance of keeping our mercury standards strong; and we have conducted dozens of meetings with lawmakers to educate them on the health and economic impacts of weakening the mercury standards in their states, as well as the benefits that their states have gained from the MATS.
Learn more:
Trump’s EPA Shuts Down Mercury
This Coal Lobbyist Should Not Run the E.P.A. (New York Times)
Experts Discuss How Trump’s EPA is Attacking Standards That Keep Our Families Safe from Mercury
The Health Benefits Of Reducing Mercury Are Much Larger Than Estimated
Mercury Pollution in the United States
Cómo actúa el envenenamiento por mercurio
Assault on Mercury and Air Toxics Standards
More Resources about Mercury

Why EPA's New Mercury Protections Matter to Moms

Sweeping Power Plant Pollution Safeguards Put Children’s Health First

Mercury Does Not Belong in Our Children's Lunchboxes

Strong Protections in the Fight Against Mercury Are Possible!

From Coal to Table: Protect Your Family From Mercury Pollution

EPA Administrator Regan Announced Stronger Mercury and Air Toxics Protections

How the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards Protect Our Babies

Mercury: From Coal to Table

Moms Clean Air Force Testifies Before Congress, Again, to Defend Mercury Standards

Native American Moms Discuss Why Mercury Standards Matter: Interview with Rachel Fernandez

Native American Moms Discuss Why Mercury Standards Matter: Interview with Rachel Heaton

Native American Moms Discuss Why Mercury Standards Matter: Interview with Great Grandmother Mary Lyons

Testimony: Patrice Tomcik, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Liz Hurtado, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Vanessa Lynch, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Karin Stein, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Melody Reis, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Ida Sami, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Michelle Uberuaga, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Shaina Oliver, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Laurie Anderson, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Rachel Meyer, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Jennifer Cantley, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023

Testimony: Emily Pickett, EPA’s Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, May 9, 2023
Moms Clean Air Force celebrate stronger pollution rules
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Montana will feel effects of new EPA rules, officials react
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Las nuevas reglas reducirán la contaminación atmosférica, acuática y climática de las centrales eléctricas de Estados Unidos
New rules will slash air, water and climate pollution from U.S. power plants
EPA plan to ease mercury standards raises ire of moms’ group, activists
EPA plan to ease mercury standards raises ire of moms’ group, activists
EPA plan to ease mercury standards raises ire of moms’ group, activists
Video Clip from EPA’s Mercury Pollution Proposal Hearing
Video Clip from EPA’s Mercury Pollution Proposal Hearing
Video Clip from EPA’s Mercury Pollution Proposal Hearing
EPA plan to ease mercury standards raises ire of moms’ group, activists
Carper Testifies at EPA Hearing to Defend the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) Rule
EPA plan to ease mercury standards raises ire of moms’ group, activists
U S Senate Committee on Environment and Public Wo : Carper Testifies at EPA Hearing to Defend the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) Rule
Take it to the MATS
Groups urge EPA to scrap mercury rule redo
On eve of Wheeler vote, odd bedfellows decry MATS changes
EPA proposal would put federal mercury rules on shakier legal ground
Carper, advocacy groups blast Trump’s MATS review
Group Forecasts Statewide Impact of EPA’s Controversial Mercury Plan
The EPA’s Latest Move Risks Exposing the Public to More Mercury
“Ad Campaign Targets Trump’s Mercury Rule Proposal”
Ad campaign target’s Trump’s mercury rule proposal
Opinion: Latino families should fight for the mercury and air toxics standards
Don’t Let Utilities Get Away With Mercury Pollution
Why Grey’s Anatomy Actress Jessica Capshaw Wants You to Demand Mercury-Free Air
Moms Clean Air Force founder explains how mercury poisoning works

Mercury 101

Cómo funciona el envenenamiento por mercurio

Información básica sobre el mercurio

How Mercury Poisoning Works

Tell the Senate: Sound the Alarm on Reckless and Dangerous Cabinet Picks

Celebrating Progress After a Decade of Advocacy: Moms Make News

Why EPA's New Mercury Protections Matter to Moms

Sweeping Power Plant Pollution Safeguards Put Children’s Health First

Climate Change Turns Up the Heat: Moms Make News

Mercury Does Not Belong in Our Children's Lunchboxes

Strong Protections in the Fight Against Mercury Are Possible!