Sign a Petition
One signature seems small, but it all adds up. Elected officials take note of every piece of communication that comes in their door. And when enough people care about an issue, they act.
With a simple click, you can add your name to petitions that align with your point of view. You click, we deliver.
Call Your Lawmaker
One of the most effective things you can do is call your elected officials. They work for you. Their actual job is to listen to you.
Find your elected official’s phone number, then give them a call. Tell them what you care about, and why. Then ask them what they plan to do about it.
Write a Letter
It’s old school, but it works. Put a pen to paper, and rediscover snail mail. A hand-written postcard or letter to your representative or local newspaper is a powerful way to make your voice heard.
Follow the resources below. Your kids can help! Hand-drawn cards and notes make a big impact.
Give Testimony
EPA’s virtual public hearings are a chance for anyone—children and adults—to engage in the rulemaking process in an impactful way. They are an opportunity to speak directly to our government about what matters most to us and to have our comments etched in the public record.
We can provide the resources and support you need to make your voice heard.
Learn More
There is so much to learn about clean air and our children’s health.
You don’t have to be an expert to brush up on science and solutions. Then, talk to your friends, neighbors, and community leaders about these issues.
Get Social
Let’s connect on social media. We’ll help you stay current on the latest clean air news.
And we want to know what you think too. Tell us what matters most to you.
Join Us
If you’re not a member yet, become part of a powerful team of 1.5 million mothers, fathers, and concerned caregivers fighting for our children’s right to breathe clean air.
Show Up
There’s nothing like being together IRL. Moms Clean Air Force hosts virtual and in-person events across the country—from informational webinars to informal cafecitos to library story times to EcoMadres Ensemble concerts.
Come join us at an upcoming event.
Your gift supports our fight for clean air and a stable future for our kids.
We educate parents about air pollution and empower moms to share their stories with lawmakers — and we can’t do it without your help. Thank you!