Every parent wants the best for their child. That’s why Moms are advocating for a swift transition to an all-electric school bus fleet.
- Electric school buses give our kids the cleanest ride to school. Unlike diesel- and propane-fueled buses, they do not produce harmful tailpipe pollution that jeopardizes children’s health.
- Tailpipe pollution puts bus drivers at risk too. EcoMadres’ Carmen Cortez (pictured above), a school bus driver for Montgomery County Public Schools, tells Vox that electric school buses are a meaningful way to improve everyone’s health–including her own!
Despite the benefits of going electric, Montgomery County Public Schools just announced the purchase of 90 diesel-powered buses. This is a speed bump on the road to our all-electric future, but Moms aren’t discouraged! As MoCo 360 reports, we’re jumping into action to demand that this school district reconsider its decision.
- Our Senior Petrochemical Analyst Cynthia Palmer talks to Packaging Dive about vinyl chloride and why Moms are adamant that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should ban it.
- A press release from the office of Senator Jeff Merkley about the introduction of the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act quotes Dominique Browning, Moms’ Director and Co-Founder. The press release ran in KTVZ, Cannon Beach Gazette, and The Chief.
- Carolina Peña-Alarcón, our former EcoMadres Program Manager, is named alongside Eva Longoria and the Pope on a list of 100 Latinos Most Committed to Climate Action. Read about the honor in El Tiempo Latino and El Deber.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Over the last couple of weeks, Moms and EcoMadres earned mentions in School Transportation News, PA Environment Digest Blog, press releases from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and EarthJustice, and LCV’s weekly newsletter.
Help amplify our media hits by following @Moms_Press and sharing our posts on X (formerly Twitter).
- Moms in MoCo 360.
- Dominique in The Chief.
- Cynthia in Packaging Dive.
- Carmen in Vox.