A new bill, the Indoor Air Quality and Healthy Schools Act, seeks to ensure that our schoolchildren are protected from unhealthy indoor air. It’s well worth supporting.
Most Recent
Moms Call on Congress to Protect Our Children From Unhealthy Indoor Air
For Better School Indoor Air Quality, CO2 Monitors Offer an Easy Solution
The biggest air pollution threat to our children—and our teachers—is the chronic exposure to bad air they get over the academic year in old and poorly ventilated school buildings. One low-cost solution: a CO2 monitor in every classroom.
Nation Hits 12,000 Electric School Buses Milestone Thanks to EPA Funding
EPA recently awarded $900 million to about 530 local school districts for clean, electric school buses. Moms have played an instrumental role in helping communities across the country unlock Clean School Bus Program funds.
Fighting Indoor Air Pollution at Its Source
Indoor air quality is top of mind for parents and caregivers across the globe because poor indoor air negatively impacts human health and well-being. Meet the advocates, nonprofits, and design labs that are tackling this problem at its source.
“The Elephant in the Classroom”: Indoor Air Quality
Jayne Black had never really thought about indoor air pollution. But as she began studying green schools, she realized poor air quality in the classroom may have been making her son sick.
Boletín de EcoMadres: Enero 2024
Lea las últimas noticias de nuestro programa EcoMadres.
EcoMadres Newsletter: January 2024
Read the latest news from our EcoMadres program.
7 Most-Read Articles of 2023
From toxic chemicals in household products to pollution from gas stoves to federal climate funding—Moms Clean Air Force connects the dots between serious climate and air issues and our everyday lives, offering real-world solutions to pollution. Find out which of our articles resonated most with readers this year.
Healthy and Clean Transportation is Possible
Breathing tailpipe pollution can trigger asthma and damage our lungs, hearts, and brains. And vehicle exhaust contribute to climate change. Learn why we need strong tailpipe pollution protections and cleaner air for our children and our communities in our new fact sheet.
Here’s How to Improve Air Quality in Your Child’s School
Clean school air is essential for kids and staff. Yet EPA estimates that half of students in the US spend the day in schools that do not have an air quality management plan. Here’s how to assess and improve the indoor air in your child’s school.
Children’s Books to Inspire Climate Hope and Action
Here are some newly published climate books for children just in time for back-to-school season.
This Back-to-School Season’s Trendy Item: Electric School Buses
Electric school buses reduce air pollution and safeguard the health of children, bus drivers, teachers, and communities. Here are more reasons to roll with electric school buses.