What is the Safe Chemicals Act?
The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in 2016. This law was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and is designed to help protect our children from exposure to toxic chemicals.
More than 80,000 synthetic chemicals are currently registered for use and can be found in everything from cleaning products to shower curtains, construction materials to craft supplies, carpeting to computers. Some of these chemicals are known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. We do not know the health impacts of the vast majority of chemicals on the market because they have not been tested for safety before hitting store shelves.
Hundreds of synthetic chemicals are detectable in our bodies, showing that we are routinely exposed to these substances. Some of the health problems linked to toxic chemical exposure include cancer, infertility, neurodevelopmental disorders, low birth weight, learning problems, birth defects, obesity, and asthma.
The Trump administration weakened the law.
Under the Trump administration, EPA hired chemical industry lobbyists and executives to implement the Safe Chemicals Act. Over the course of four years, Trump’s EPA undermined chemical safety through shoddy implementation of the law.
How moms are fighting to protect the Safe Chemicals Act—and how you can help.
Moms Clean Air Force is fighting for the strongest implementation of the Safe Chemicals Act because our children’s health is at stake. We are attending public meetings, submitting comments to rulemakings, and holding President Biden to his commitment to protect children’s health from pollution.
You can ask retailers to step in and step up to protect children’s health. Go to the Facebook page of your favorite retailer to leave a comment, or tweet directly to their corporate handle. Ask them: What are they doing to make sure that the products they sell are safe for children and families?