By: Cynthia Palmer, Senior Analyst, Petrochemicals, Moms Clean Air Force
Date: February 20, 2024
About: EPA TSCA Prioritization Webinar
To: Environmental Protection Agency
My name is Cynthia Palmer. I’m the Senior Analyst for Petrochemicals at Moms Clean Air Force.
I’m here to urge EPA to designate all five chemicals for high priority evaluation due to the harm they cause to children, workers, first responders, frontline communities, wildlife, and the climate.
- Acetaldehyde is a carcinogen, a mutagen, and a teratogen. It is the most common carcinogen in tobacco smoke, it’s a petrochemical intermediate, and it’s used in the synthesis of fragrances and flavors. It’s added to baked goods, candy, and desserts, especially to make green apple flavor. I know a better way to make green apple flavor.Acetaldehyde is a degradation product when PET plastic is exposed to sunlight or heat. It can leach into bottled water, more so when carbonated.It is also administered as a drug—for things like “leaky gut” and “temporary relief of fatigue.” I’m no doctor but I would say, do not take it.
- Acrylonitrile is a carcinogenic petrochemical used in production of synthetic rubbers. It harms the lungs and nervous system.It can undergo explosive polymerization. In air or when burned, it releases hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxides, and formaldehyde.Acrylonitrile was released in chemical disasters in Turkey, Belgium, Tennessee, and Ohio, harming thousands of people and subjecting them to future cancers.
- Benzenamine (aniline) is a highly toxic systemic poison that harms workers in the plastics, synthetic dyes, and herbicide industries.Related compounds have been found in the foam of children’s car seats.It’s also hazardous to aquatic life with long-lasting effects.
- Vinyl chloride (I echo what others have said here) is used to make the PVC plastic in children’s toys, water pipes, and food packaging.Despite decades-long misinformation campaigns, the evidence is clear that it causes liver cancers, brain and lung cancers, lymphoma, and leukemia, and can cross the placental barrier during pregnancy.All to make a plastic that the world does not need.
- 4,4′-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MBOCA) is used to make polyurethane foams and other plastic products. It damages the liver, lungs, bladder, blood, and kidneys.When heated it emits very toxic fumes of chlorine as well nitrogen oxides. It is also very toxic to aquatic life.
Production of these petrochemicals puts workers at risk of fatal illnesses, blankets communities with hazardous air pollution, and harms animals and the climate.
I urge you to designate these five petrochemicals as high priority under TSCA. Please consider the cumulative risks and the harms along the entire supply chain. Thank you.