Moms have been fighting for strong protections against air and climate pollution since 2011, and today, we are celebrating significant progress toward a healthier future.
Earlier today, EPA announced the finalization of new standards that will significantly cut the dangerous tailpipe pollution produced by passenger vehicles.
This is a huge win for the climate and our kids. The transportation sector is the largest source of climate pollution in the U.S. and a major source of other pollutants that can damage our hearts, lungs, and brains.
Senior Legislative and Regulatory Policy Manager Melody Reis says it best in her statement on EPA’s announcement: “For far too long, cars and trucks have driven us toward a climate and health crisis… Today’s announcement will benefit families across the country, especially those living near highways and busy transportation corridors, who bear the brunt of the effects of toxic tailpipe pollution every day.”
Because of housing discrimination and other unjust policies, communities that “bear the brunt” are all too often low-income and communities of color. According to the American Lung Association’s 2023 State of the Air Report, 64 million people of color live in counties that received at least one failing grade for ozone or particle pollution, and tailpipe exhaust from passenger cars is a major contributor.
As Melody says: “These safeguards are an investment in a more equitable future, in cleaner air, and a more stable climate.”
Learn more about Moms’ work on car and truck pollution.