Sometime in July the Senate will decide whether to allow a vote on the confirmation of Gina McCarthy as EPA Administrator. Sixty votes are needed for her nomination to proceed to the next level in the confirmation process.
Please tell your Senator, whether Republican or Democrat, to allow McCarthy’s nomination to come to a vote. We at Moms Clean Air Force think Gina McCarthy is an excellent choice for the position. She deserves to be given a chance at confirmation–and she deserves to be confirmed.
Here’s why: She has a terrific track record — and during a long career, she has served under five Republican Governors; she was Governor Mitt Romney’s energy and climate advisor. She worked with the automobile industry and the Transportation Department to craft new carbon pollution and fuel economy standards for our cars. She has gotten consistently high marks by industry and public health leaders — not your typical combination of supporters — for her level-headed, common sense approach to solving pollution problems. Even Senator James Inhofe has called her “a friend.”
McCarthy has been a tireless champion of fiscally prudent ways to protect our health. Moms saw her at work on the urgently-needed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards designed to clear our air of dangerous poisons that affect fetuses, babies and children’s hearts, brains, and lungs.
The Senate has put her through the wringer — she has answered an unprecedented 1000 questions from the Senate. With so much hanging in the balance, this is not the time for a political crusade against the Environmental Protection Agency. That agency, so important in protecting our families from polluters, has been without a permanent administrator for more than 135 days. Nor is it right to keep this talented, accomplished woman from getting a chance for a vote.
Let’s give Gina a chance for a vote. She has earned it — and deserves respectful consideration.