On March 10, 2021, the Senate voted to confirm Michael Regan to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is good news for our children: Administrator Regan aims to return the agency back to its vital mission of protecting human health and the environment. He plans to prioritize environmental justice and take action to address the climate crisis.
It was important for us here at Moms Clean Air Force to welcome Administrator Regan into his new role. We asked our members to share personal welcome messages for Regan, and a few days later, we showed up at EPA headquarters to give him these messages in person.

Administrator Regan came outside for a brief, socially-distanced visit. He shared inspiring comments about his values and goals and talked about how his 7-year-old son inspires him in his work. And he assured us that “science is back!”
We look forward to working with you, Administrator Regan, to protect our children’s health and future.

Photos: Jose Luis Magana for Moms Clean Air Force