Today, President Trump, Acting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler, and Acting National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Administrator Heidi King issued a proposal to roll back America’s health-protective and money-saving clean car standards.
In their announcement today, the Trump administration has clearly prioritized polluters’ profits over our families’ health by proposing to roll back the clean car standards that are helping to keep our air clean, protect our children from climate change, and save us money at the pump. The proposal to abandon existing, effective standards is an affront to American families. With this rollback, our air will become dirtier, our children sicker, and our gas bills bigger. All Americans who cherish their right to breathe clean air should be outraged. In fact, we must hold acting Administrator Wheeler accountable for not doing his job to protect our families from pollution. That accountability starts right now and will only intensify during the public comment process coming up.
Let’s be clear: the clean car standards deliver the safe, clean, fuel-efficient cars that our families want and need. They are helping us protect our children’s health and future by fighting climate change. Rolling back these standards forces parents into dirtier, less-efficient cars, and is a direct attack on the health of our children. As parents, we expect the big three carmakers to step on the pedal when it comes to pushing for the highest standards possible. Anything less is unacceptable.