In this year’s Lancet Countdown report, the authors pull no punches in naming that our collective addiction to fossil fuels is driving the climate crisis, and that governments and companies are failing to act with the urgency and scale needed to prevent locking in devastating levels of climate warming.
Most Recent
Lancet Countdown 2022: The Urgent Need for a Health-Centered Response to Climate Change
Why Schools Need Evidenced-Based Climate Curriculums
Educators and parents need evidence-based climate curriculums and guidelines for talking to children about climate change.
Invest in Climate Research for Our Children’s Future
Moms Clean Air Force is helping enlist parents for a Cornell University research study that aims to understand how children learn about climate change. Investing in research now will help shape the future generation’s ability to succeed in the fight against climate change.
A Must Read for Parents and Teachers: “Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America”
In the book “Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America,” investigative journalist Katie Worth travels the country and reveals that it is no accident that so many American children are fed misinformation about climate change in schools.
Helping Children Cope with Covid
A pediatrician and a child and adolescent psychiatrist provide guidance for parents about how to talk to children about the pandemic and what to do if your child gets the Covid.
Mom Detective: Covid, Climate and Chemicals
Having fewer harmful chemicals in our bodies and the world means the ecosystem can begin to recover and become more resilient. And helping to improve the health of the ecosystem can help our polluted world.
EPA’s Censored Science Rule Flouts Science and Public Health to Protect Dirty Industries
EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler has finalized a Censored Science Rule. This rule shows a total disregard for transparency, and a disregard for the health of our families.
Thank You, Congressman Paul Tonko
An enormous, heartfelt thank you to Congressman Paul Tonko for his beautifully articulated principles for action on climate change.
Busting Industry-Perpetrated Myths About New Chemicals and Worker Protection Under TSCA
Read about one of the dangerous myths spread by the chemical industry to cover the fact that Trump’s EPA is abandoning worker protections.
Protecting Science Protects Children
Protect science is what one mom with a background at EPA and National Academy of Sciences exhorts us to do in order to protect children.
Interview: Dr. Leonardo Trasande, Author of Sicker, Fatter, Poorer: The Urgent Threat of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals to Our Health and Future and What We Can Do About It
Read our exclusive interview with Dr. Trasande, author of Sicker, Fatter, Poorer, and learn about the future of public health.
Trump’s EPA Actions on Formaldehyde Can Be Summed Up in One Word: Corrupt
Read about the Trump administration’s efforts to loosen regulations on toxic formaldehyde, placing industry profit over public health.