Last week, Kristin Mink, a middle school teacher and mom, was eating lunch in DC when she spotted EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt at a nearby table. She decided she needed to say something to the scandal-plagued agency head who made it his mission to dismantle bedrock pollution protections for Americans. She popped a pacifier in her back pocket, lifted her 2-year-old onto her hip, and approached Pruitt.
Kristin spoke to Pruitt calmly, clearly, and with total moral authority. She referred to her son’s future, and the need to have leaders who protect his health.
Kristin’s husband filmed it all on his cell phone, and she posted it on Facebook later that day. The encounter went viral.
She is a fierce mama. Her mother love drives her to speak out:
“I have long been sick of this administration’s favor for big business and its wealthy friends over the health and well-being of everyday people. Under Trump’s direction, Pruitt rolled back health and safety regulations hard won over decades and put in place to protect our air, water, food, climate, national parks and more.” ~ Kristin Mink
Kristin appeared on the evening news, and the interview requests rolled in. She clearly struck a nerve. Kristen had said what so many others had thought, focusing moms’ dissatisfaction with Pruitt like a white-hot laser beam.
Three days later, Pruitt resigned.
We are thrilled that Kristin will be joining us this week as a featured speaker at the Play-In for Climate Action. If you can’t make it to the event in DC, please tune in to the livestream here.