This is a Moms Clean Air Force exclusive interview with Aryeh Alex, Franklin Township, Ohio Trustee:
What is unique about protecting your state’s resources?
Protecting public green spaces and ensuring all of our residents have access to clean air and water is essential to having a good quality of life in Franklin Township. Our community started as a rural suburb of Columbus, Ohio, and, over time, has become surrounded by commercial and industrial developments. Reclaim our natural resources will be a critical part to making our community livable and healthy for current and future generations. While this will be a challenge as the region grows in population and further land is developed, by having conversations with interested parties, partners, and community members, we will work to protect our natural spaces and resources.
As a children’s advocate are you concerned about the effects of climate change on your children and the children of your state?
As an advocate for children, families, and residents in Franklin Township, I am alarmed by climate change, its impact on the health of individuals, and the continued erosion of state and federal protections that keep our communities safe.
Why is a bipartisan effort so important, and how can efforts to address clean air and climate change be achieved in our current political climate?
Climate change isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue, it is an issue that has the ability to touch everyone and everything. Having open, accessible parks, clean drinking water, and breathable air isn’t something that partisan politics should hinder. We must work across party lines to ensure that we are taking action to address climate change and build a more sustainable community for all.
Is there anything you’d like to share with Moms Clean Air Force’s one million members?
To the million Moms Clean Air Force members, I’d like to say THANK YOU for all that you do to elevate the importance of taking action on climate change and fighting to protect our communities for our children and future generations.
Aryeh Alex leads advocacy and electoral programs to build a powerful, grassroots environmental movement in Ohio as the Director for the Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund. His passion for protecting natural resources led to his involvement of the Friends of Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks, where he serves as President. In 2017, Aryeh was elected Township Trustee.