When it comes to holiday giving it’s always the thought that counts, and a meaningful book is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
Our Moms Clean Air Force writers have taken a deep dive into reviewing some of the recent climate-inspired books to enlighten and inspire parents interested in climate change and children’s health.
THE BOOK OF HOPE: A Survival Guide for Trying Times is Jane Goodall’s latest book. Goodall has hope for future of the health of our planet, our societies, and our children. But “only if we all get together and join forces.”
SAVING US: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, “one of the nation’s most effective communicators on climate change,” covers everything from faith to family to pushing forward for real change.
REGENERATION: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation offers Paul Hawken’s approach to climate change, weaving environmental justice, biodiversity, equity, and human dignity into a tapestry of action, policy, and transformation that can help end the climate crisis in one generation.
1,001 VOICES ON CLIMATE CHANGE is the firsthand account of journalist Devi Lockwood in her quest to foster empathy in the global environmental movement. Lockwood recorded the stories of real people on the front lines of the climate crisis and infuses her own reflections of people’s experiences from around the globe.
HOW TO PREPARE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE: A Practical Guide to Surviving the Chaos, written by CBS Sunday Morning correspondent David Pogue, tells us that protecting kids’ health is enough of a reason to start preparing them right now.
COUNT DOWN: How the Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race, by Shanna Swan, PhD, is an unflinching account on reduced fertility in people. Swan largely attributes the changes to environmental factors and hormone-disrupting chemicals.
IMAGINE IT! A Handbook for a Happier Planet, by Laurie David and Heather Reisman, tackles the climate crisis with important information and inspiring tips to make shifts in your life that can provide hope for a healthier, happier planet.
HOW TO AVOID A CLIMATE DISASTER: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need is Bill Gates’ latest book. Gates says we must get to net zero emissions to avoid climate chaos.
HOW TO TALK TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE: Turning Angst Into Action is written by Harriet Shugarman, aka “Climate Mama.” The book provides tools and strategies for parents to explain the climate emergency to their children and galvanize positive action.
ALL WE CAN SAVE: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis is the brainchild of its editors, Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Dr. Katharine K. Wilkinson. The book captures the “renaissance” of women “blooming in the climate movement.”