Once again, the Trump administration has betrayed our children. Today, Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler was nominated to officially take over as head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the post vacated by corrupt former Administrator Scott Pruitt.
This means that Wheeler — a former coal lobbyist that has time and again undermined children’s health in his short tenure at EPA — could be the top environmental enforcement official in the country. Moms say: no way.
Wheeler’s fingerprints are all over the very worst environmental proposals of the Trump administration. He has proven, first as Deputy EPA Administrator under Scott Pruitt, and then as Acting Administrator, that he has no interest in protecting people’s health and safety, putting us on a path to climate safety, or reining in toxic chemicals or harmful air pollution. Wheeler was for many years a lobbyist for the coal industry — and it’s clear from his actions that corporate polluters are his first priority.
In his time at EPA, Wheeler has led efforts to dismantle America’s Clean Car Standards, attack America’s Clean Power Plan, attack Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, and destroy more key protections that keep our communities and our children safe. This is not the leader our children deserve.
Wheeler’s nomination is dangerous, irresponsible, and unacceptable.
Former Administrator Scott Pruitt was ultimately taken down by something unimaginably powerful — a mom in a coffee shop who stood up to him and fought for her son and all children. Moms have the power to fight Wheeler, too. But only if YOU stand with us.