Did you know that those cans of pumpkin puree going into your pies (and muffins, my favorite) are NOT 100% pumpkin? They are a blend of winter squashes, like butternut, Hubbard, Boston Marrow and Golden Delicious.
Now, I don’t mind, because I love the way my pies and muffins taste. But what on earth would be wrong with…honesty? What’s wrong with telling us the truth, and then marketing the heck out of squash? If the marketing geniuses can do it for kale, they can do it for squash.
Which gets me to politicians. We’ve been talking for months about their lies. Some of them are real whoppers: Climate change is a hoax. Climate change is a concept invented by the Chinese. Climate change isn’t happening — or if it did exist, humankind has nothing to do with it.
I’m tired of people calling denier statements “beliefs”. They are not beliefs. They are lies. Climate denial is a lie about science.
We teach our children not to tell lies, and then we watch as all across the country, grownups get away with doozies — just to serve their corporate interests. Let’s honor truth. Pollution is way more important than pumpkins.
Call it squash. Call it solar. Call it what it is. Help everyone understand why renewables are such an important part of our energy future. And make the world a safer place for our children.
Here’s to autumn pie-baking — and here’s to keeping it real! (Tweet this)