By: Oscar Hauptman, Kids Clean Air Force Michigan
Date: February 24, 2022
About: Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants: Proposed Reaffirmation of the Appropriate and Necessary Finding, Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2018–0794
To: Environmental Protection Agency
Hi, my name is Oscar Hauptman. I’m 11 years old and live on a lake in Brighton, Michigan, with my mom and dad. I love to go fishing with my family and friends. I love to eat fish; it is one my favorite foods. However, I don’t get to eat all the fish I catch because it’s not safe. Certain fish can have dangerous amounts of mercury in their bodies, and when people eat the fish, we get it in our bodies too. According to the statewide safe fish guidelines, the largemouth bass that is in my lake is only safe to eat two times a year because of mercury contamination. If kids eat fish more frequently, they are at higher risk for experiencing health impacts from mercury. According to science, mercury exposure will cause brain development delays or heart conditions. I don’t want to eat poisonous fish that will hurt my brain and heart! I want the EPA to protect kids from mercury exposure. Families like mine want our lakes and fish to be protected from the dirty coal-fired plants. I’m asking the EPA to please strengthen the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards to help protect kids from the pollution that can cause cancer, lung disease, brain damage, and other serious health harms.
Thank you.