By: Mercedes McKinley, Nevada State Coordinator, Moms Clean Air Force
Date: May 9, 2023
About: Environmental Protection Agency Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0794
To: Environmental Protection Agency
My name is Mercedes McKinley. I am a state coordinator of Moms Clean Air Force and its Latino engagement program, EcoMadres. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada, and I am the mother of a two-year-old baby girl. I am testifying today in support of the EPA’s new proposed protections for mercury and air toxic standards (MATS).
I immigrated from El Salvador to the US when I was seven years old. Before coming to this country, my father took us to the beach almost every weekend. I grew up eating fish as a child and went fishing with my grandfather often. As I got older, I continued to consume fish, especially after I learned that eating fish can be very good for you. It can provide beneficial nutrients for babies. Eating fish has always been a part of who we are. Unfortunately, right after I became pregnant my OBGYN advised me to avoid tuna, swordfish, king mackerel, and a few other species because they contain high levels of mercury.
I decided to look a little further and found that the US Food and Drug Administration provides even more information regarding the safety of eating fish as it relates to mercury. This advice is for pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding, and children ages 1-11. A baby in utero who has been exposed to mercury can have a series of issues ranging from brain damage, learning disabilities and brain defects. Exposure to mercury can also lead to cardiovascular issues and increase the risk of heart attacks in vulnerable populations. Since there is no safe level of mercury consumption it is imperative that we protect the health of our families across the country by implementing stronger standards against mercury. These heavy metals from coal-fired power plants pose serious health risks for wildlife and humans.
I strongly support the new proposed standards for mercury and air toxics. Our children deserve to be protected from these toxins as the harm they create is avoidable. I urge EPA to please finalize and enforce the strongest standards as soon as possible, our children shouldn’t have to wait any longer. I would like to share some of the aspects of my childhood around fishing and living by sea that I had when I was little with my daughter. We have the opportunity to give her that chance today. Thank you for your time.