By: Ida Sami, Arizona State Coordinator, Moms Clean Air Force
Date: May 9, 2023
About: Environmental Protection Agency Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0829
To: Environmental Protection Agency
My name is Ida Sami, and I am a field coordinator for Moms Clean Air Force in Arizona. I have a PhD in environmental science, and I care deeply about the health and well-being of our children and our planet.
I am here today to urge EPA to adopt the strongest possible pollution standards for cars and light trucks. Strong standards would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, save consumers money, and accelerate the transition to a clean vehicle future.
The transportation sector is the largest source of climate pollution in the US, accounting for nearly 30% of total emissions. Climate change is not a distant threat, but a present reality that is already affecting our communities with more extreme heat, droughts, wildfires, and floods. We need to act now to protect our children and future generations from the worst impacts of the climate crisis.
Strong standards would also benefit public health by reducing harmful air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides. These pollutants can cause or worsen respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, especially among vulnerable populations such as children, seniors, and people with preexisting conditions.
Strong standards would also save consumers money by improving fuel economy and lowering maintenance costs. Moreover, they would spur innovation and investment in the electric vehicle industry, creating jobs and enhancing US competitiveness in the global market. Overall, strong safeguards are a win-win for consumers, the environment, and the US economy. By improving fuel economy, reducing maintenance costs, and spurring innovation and investment in the electric vehicle industry, strong standards have the potential to deliver significant benefits to all.
I urge EPA to finalize the strongest possible clean car standards as soon as possible and help to speed the transition to zero-emission vehicles. The benefits of clean cars are clear and compelling. They are good for our children, our health, our economy, and our planet. Thank you for your consideration.