By: Carolina Peña, Project Manager for EcoMadres, Moms Clean Air Force
Date: February 24, 2022
About: Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants: Proposed Reaffirmation of the Appropriate and Necessary Finding, Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2018–0794
To: Environmental Protection Agency
My name is Carolina Peña. I am Bolivian and the Project Manager of the EcoMadres program with Moms Clean Air Force. Previously, you may have heard from my colleagues that we are part of an organization that brings together more than 1 million parents across the country. In addition, I am representing all of us, our common home, and the future of life on earth that is declining and demands our immediate action.
The United States has been my home for 21 years, when I arrived with my family from Bolivia, and after studying English, and graduating from George Washington University with a degree in Environment and Energy, I have embarked on my professional career in environmental programs. I have been able to interact with diverse people from different backgrounds and nationalities, while working for international organizations. All of them, with a common purpose, how we could drive leadership and change to generate economic prosperity and improve the quality of life in all corners of the world.
Recently, I decided to join Moms Clean Air Force to lead their EcoMadres program to raise the voice of US Latino parents and communities for policies that improve our livelihoods and well-being, especially since Latinos are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change because of where we live and work.
In addition, emissions of mercury and other air toxics disproportionately harm Native American Tribes where fishing is a vital part of Tribal culture and where Tribal members traditionally consume fish at higher rates than the general population.
I learned that the success of an action either at the national or at the international level is not the sole responsibility of a government. In fact, it starts on the determination, responsibility, care, and intervention of its citizens, like you and me, to achieve big changes.
EPA has the potential to restore the legal basis for the standards and to strengthen these life-saving public health safeguards. Once more, I support that EPA continue with this effort to limit mercury and toxins in the air to protect our children, grandchildren, and vulnerable communities’ future from dangerous pollution.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify. Over a 1 million parents around the country looks forward to the leadership of EPA on this bold and effective solution to our nation’s clean air challenges. Thank you.