Moms are big believers in report cards. They give us a sense of how things are going. And when it comes to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, things are not going well at all. Here’s how bad his performance is so far:
Public Health Failure to understand subject F
Scott is unwilling to respect the work of leading doctors and scientists on the effect of air pollution on human lungs, hearts, and brains. Scott has built a team that is considering stripping away protections from air toxics that are proven carcinogens, or disruptive of neurological development. Scott has also crippled the enactment of EPA’s new, bipartisan toxic chemical bill.
Science Unsatisfactory Effort F
Scott refuses to grapple with the long-established concept that global warming is caused by carbon and methane pollution generated by human activity in energy, transportation, and agriculture sectors. He has even disrupted the work of more serious students, undermining climate scientists at EPA.
Geography Knowledge limited to oil country D-
The only geography that interests Scott is land that produces oil and gas. The impact of dirty fossil fuel development on other parts of the country—whether floods, wildfires, or droughts—escapes him completely. Bright spot: Knows how to find Morocco on a map.
Ethics Multiple violations of honor code F
Wastes taxpayer dollars on luxury travel. Spends lavishly on furnishing office. Accepts freebies and discounts from industry lobbyists. Bullies colleagues who disagree. He fails to show compassion for those less privileged.
IN SHORT, Scott Pruitt does not seem to understand one fundamental thing about his job: No one voted to make America DIRTY again. WE RECOMMEND Pruitt be given a PERMANENT TIME OUT.