Sasha Tenenbaum, Moms Clean Air Force, 917-887-0146,
Nancy Metzger-Carter, Schools for Climate Action, 714-655-9419
Washington, DC— Yesterday, over 60 youth climate activists from across the country (CA, CO, FL, ID, IA, MA, ME, MD, NJ, PA, UT, VA) gathered on Capitol Hill to urge Congress to finally get serious about climate change. At a live-streamed press conference, the high school students introduced a youth-authored House Resolution calling for comprehensive K-12 climate education and a House Resolution calling for support for mental health for youth impacted by the changing climate. The student leaders and members of Congress urged lawmakers to sign onto these resolutions, which would work in tandem to support comprehensive climate education in schools while bolstering students’ resilience and mental health. Today and tomorrow (3/29 and 3/30), students will continue meeting with their lawmakers to generate support for these resolutions.
For your reporting needs:
- Photos for media use.
- Press conference recording.
- Twitter coverage of the event.
- Media advisory.
- Press statements.
- Climate and Mental Health webpage.
- Schools for Climate Action website
- Schools for Climate Action introductory video.
- Petition in support of the resolutions.