This was written by Patrice Tomcik and Mollie Michel, Moms Clean Air Force Pennsylvania organizers:
Moms Clean Air Force released a new health report, “Face to Face with Oil and Gas: Voices from the Front Lines of Oil and Gas Pollution.” This report tells the real life experiences of people living with the impacts of oil and gas pollution across. “Face to Face with Oil and Gas” underscores the need to cut harmful methane emissions across the nation for the sake of our communities.
The science shows us that methane emissions are significantly higher than what the oil and gas industry is reporting and our children are suffering. Yet, the Trump administration continues to dismantle methane pollution protection rules. This leaves families across the country looking to their states to provide vital pollution safeguards.
Because Pennsylvania is the nation’s second largest natural gas producer, Moms Clean Air Force has released this public service announcement to call on Governor Tom Wolf to move quickly to propose standards that protect the health and well-being of Pennsylvanians against 11,000 existing sources of natural gas pollution.