By: Valencia Bednar, Kids Clean Air Force
Date: August 26, 2021
About: Environmental Protection Agency Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2021-0208
To: Environmental Protection Agency
Hi, my name is Valencia Bednar, and I am 8 years old. I am from Seattle, Washington, originally, but I went across the United States to live here in Maryland. I am joining you today because it is important to me to have a healthy climate and less pollution from cars.
I am worried about skiing, because I really like to ski. Because we have a lot of climate change, I may never be able to ski. Also, climate change is a problem for us in Maryland in the summer. In street hockey in the summer, it can be really hot, we can’t play as well when it’s too hot. We have really strong rain storms, and scientists say climate change makes rain storms worse. It’s rained hard seven days in a row, recently. When it rains like that, the pool closes, and we can’t play outside.
We live close to busy roads, and car pollution isn’t good for us. Kids are trying to do our part. We walk and ride our bikes to get around, but the cars make it harder. Cars create a lot of pollution and are a big part of the climate change problem. We need the EPA to help cars pollute less.
I hope electric cars become cheaper so my family can get one. Please tell President Biden hi from me.
Thank you!