In June of 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama said that “generations would look back” and say “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Unfortunately, President Obama’s first term brought little progress on fighting climate change. His re-election gives us the chance to hit the reset button in his historic second inaugural address to address global warming.
Call it the triumph of hope over reality, but I’m not ready to give up on demanding that President Obama show leadership on climate change. The American people—who are increasingly concerned—need to hear from their president that global warming is catastrophic. We need to hear it not just once in a while, after a Superstorm, but over and over again.
Talking about climate change can’t just be a re-election ploy. It must be a re-engagement strategy. It is time to start fighting–ferociously.
Last week, I asked you to let the President know that he must address climate change—and do something ambitious about it. Thousands of you responded. We need thousands more. If you have already sent a message to the President, please send a message again. And please share this petition with your friends. Forward this post. Or share this action via Facebook or Twitter.
As a mother, it is inconceivable to me that the President—father of two girls—wouldn’t do everything in his power to protect their future and the future of our planet.
Let’s tell Washington to listen to Mothers and stop being bullied by climate deniers and corporate polluters!
PS: We are taking to the streets!
– Save the date: please join our friends at the Sierra Club, and at, at a rally in Washington, DC on Sunday, February 17th to join this historic event to make your voice heard and help the President start his second term with strong climate action. Details HERE.
– Also, Interfaith Moral Action on Climate is organizing a pray-in for leadership on climate on Tuesday, January 15th. If you want to lend heart and soul join them: they will be gathering at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC at 11:00 AM and marching to the White House.