By: Nicole Marcot, Michigan Supermom, Moms Clean Air Force
Date: February 8, 2022
About: MI Healthy Climate Plan
To: Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy Council on Climate Solutions
Thank you for taking the time to hear my comments. First of all, I am grateful that the draft of the MI Healthy Climate Plan sets our state on a strong path toward reducing energy use and emissions and protects future generations by addressing the impacts of climate change. As the mother of three young daughters, a climate activist living in an underserved community of Detroit, a former educator and daughter to elderly parents who struggle with health issues related to pollution, I am deeply concerned about the climate crises and how it is impacting Michigan’s citizens’ health and quality of life in the present, and changing our future for generations to come.
Although the Climate Council’s draft plan is off to a good start, concrete steps for implementation should be crafted before a final recommendation is made to the governor, including the following:
- Rapidly increasing our use of clean, renewable energy is one way that the plan can meet the urgency of the climate crisis. In addition, by prioritizing an equitable transition off of fossil fuels and therefore reducing pollution, our communities can be saved from the negative health impacts that these emissions cause.
- Low-income communities, such as the one I live in, must be prioritized. Environmental justice must be realized by eliminating the cap on rooftop solar, enabling community solar and supporting federal Justice40 initiatives.
I hope the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy will take into consideration the public’s feedback and improve the final MI Healthy Climate Plan, including timed, concrete plans for implementation to make it as strong as possible. Thank you for your time.