Moms Clean Air Force Pennsylvania talked to elected officials and community organizers about the importance of Environmental Justice, and why it must be centered in any conversation about environmental advocacy. We got the chance to ask about how programs like The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) present an opportunity to address unfair burdens that have been placed on communities of color and low income communities in the past.
Featuring opening and closing remarks by Heather McTeer Toney, Climate Justice Liason - Environmental Defense Fund, Senior Advisor - Moms Clean Air Force
Interviews with
**PA Rep. Summer Lee : serving district 34, Allegheny County
**PA Rep. Malcom Kenyatta: serving district 181, Philadelphia County
**Sabirah Mahmud : Climate and Racial Justice Organizer, Philly Earth Alliance & the Black and Brown Coalition Philadelphia
**Ethan Story: Community Advocate, The Center for Coalfield Justice