Sara Klein,
Sasha Tenenbaum,, (917) 887-0146
Washington, DC— Today, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan announced the finalization of new standards that will significantly cut the dangerous tailpipe pollution produced by passenger vehicles. The Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles (“Clean Cars”) rule will address multi-pollutant emissions, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, for passenger cars and light trucks manufactured in model years 2027 and beyond.
As an organization that has been fighting for stronger protections against air and climate pollution since 2011, we applaud EPA for taking this important step.
In response to the announcement, Moms Clean Air Force Arizona Field Organizer Hazel Chandler released the following statement:
“Today, we thank the US Environmental Protection Agency for announcing major reductions in tailpipe pollution that are poised to steer us toward a cleaner, greener future. I am a mom, grandmom and, most-recently, a great grandmother living with asthma, respiratory issues, chronic inflammation, immune dysfunction, and stage four cancer. My doctors have repeatedly made the connection between pollution and my health issues. With stronger pollution protections in place, my family is better protected against one day having to face the same medical challenges I have. For me, this is a dream come true.”