Wind blows pollution across the country and doesn’t stop at state lines. This is exactly why we need EPA’s Good Neighbor Rule—a rule that protects downwind states from upwind industrial air pollution. But today the Supreme Court issued a ruling to pause implementation of this rule.
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What’s in the Air: A Dangerous, Unconscionable Supreme Court Ruling
What’s in the Air: Gratitude and Grit (VIDEO)
For over a decade, Moms Clean Air Force has pushed to strengthen laws and regulations that keep bad stuff out of our air. These last four years have been immensely gratifying because we are finally seeing historic investments in solving problems at a scale never before attempted.
What’s in the Air: The Buzz on Bees
This World Bee Day, Moms’ Dominique Browning is celebrating the Wild Bunch—our native bees. They don’t produce a drop of honey, but they can be more efficient pollinators than honeybees for some crops.
What’s in the Air: Too Much Plastic at Our Doctors’ Offices
In her What’s in the Air column, Dominique Browning shares how her life—including her view on plastics—has been shaped by days spent helping at her father’s doctor’s office. Her conclusion: so much of the plastic we use today is unnecessary, and we need systemic solutions to get the plastics crisis under control.
What’s in the Air: The Massive Failure of Plastics Recycling
Dominique Browning shares a list of resources to help us understand the depth of today’s plastics recycling crisis.
What’s in the Air: Our Brains on Air Pollution
Research is starting to show links between fine particulate matter, a.k.a. soot, and neurocognitive disease. Dominique Browning shares what she learned from a recent panel of experts and how new science shapes the work of Moms Clean Air Force.
What’s in the Air: More Than Just a Heap of Metal
In her column “What’s in the Air,” Dominique Browning shares her experience of the launch of MethaneSAT, the world’s most advanced methane-detecting satellite. What she sees as she watches the satellite take off are the families here on Earth who will most benefit from accurate methane data.
What’s in the Air: Plastic Scams
In her column “What’s in the Air,” Dominique Browning reflects on the plastics industry. The plastic waste crisis is getting worse every year—in large part because there is no way to safely recycle this material, notwithstanding the industry’s efforts to push a “new” technique called “advanced recycling.”
What’s in the Air: On Decency
In her column “What’s in the Air,” Dominique Browning reflects on common decency and a recent interaction between President Biden and Misti Allison, a Moms Clean Air Force member and resident of East Palestine, Ohio.