Find five ways to reduce your baby and children’s exposure to toxic chemicals by using safer, non-toxic products in your home.
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5 Nontoxic Tips for Healthy Baby Products
What Happens in Your Body When You Breathe Dirty Air?
Find out what happens to your body when you breathe dirty air though a new, downloadable brochure from Moms Clean Air Force.
How Air Pollution Harms Your Body
Find out how air pollution harms your body – your lungs, heart, brain, and womb – through an informative brochure from Moms Clean Air Force.
4 Ways Indoor Air Pollution Hurts: Fertility, Asthma, Allergies, ADHD
Learn four ways indoor air pollutants can affect the health of your family and how to reduce or avoid those pollutants in your home.
Preemies, Traffic, Air Pollution: A Costly Mix
Read about a study that found that air pollution emanating from vehicles was tied to the increased possibility of women giving birth prematurely.
Zika Virus: What You Need to Know
View this Zika Virus fact sheet to learn what you need to know about
Zika Virus and Climate Disruption
Learn why health officials are worried about the zika virus and find out if climate change is fueling this epidemic in the Americas.
Does Fracking Cause Preterm Birth?
Learn about a new study focusing on birth outcomes in Western Pennsylvania that suggests that living near fracking operations harms babies.
Fracking Poses Potential Health Risks for Pregnant Moms and Babies
Read about a study that concludes that “fracking,” may be releasing endocrine disrupting chemicals that could harm human development and reproduction.
Is Air Pollution Causing Stillborn Deaths in Utah?
Read about a series of stillborn deaths in a gas and oil boomtown Utah community that has many linking the deaths to air pollution.
Air Pollution Linked To High Blood Sugar In Pregnant Women
Read about a new study that shows air pollution is linked to high blood sugar in pregnant women.
Toxics And Our Reproductive Systems
Learn about one woman’s passion to get toxic chemicals out of our world, and how these chemicals negatively affect women’s health.