This was written by Tamara Rubin, award winning lead-poisoning prevention advocate and documentary filmmaker:
My son was poisoned by breathing lead-contaminated air. He was just 7-months old. He was solely breastfeeding. He was not walking–he was not yet even crawling at the time. He did not “eat paint chips”–he just inhaled the fumes generated by a contractor working on the exterior of our historic home and immediately became violently ill, (later identified as the symptoms of acute lead-poisoning).
At the time the doctors neglected to test him for lead because we were white and middle income and did not fit the “demographic of lead poisoning.” Two months after he was poisoned they finally tested him and were shocked. The naturally occurring level of lead in pre-industrial humans is 0.016 micrograms per deciliter. Avi’s blood lead level was 16.0–one thousand times the naturally occurring level of lead.
Lead poisoning causes permanent brain damage, leading to learning disabilities, Autism Spectrum symptoms, Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, behavioral disorders and more. Please watch the trailer of my documentary feature film, MisLead, America’s Secret Documentary about the legacy of lead in our environment, lead poisoning and how it impacts you, your home environment, your air and your family.
Learn about this important health issue. Watch the trailer for my documentary HERE