This is a Moms Clean Air Force exclusive interview with Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania:
What is unique about protecting Pennsylvania’s resources?
As an Eagle Scout and someone who considers himself a conservationist, I’ve always been captivated by Pennsylvania’s open spaces and wild places. We have it all here: preserved farm land, amazing parks, expansive forests, historic rivers. But, with these features comes a special responsibility to care for and protect these resources from the local, state and federal level. Pennsylvania is a great place to call home…it’s worth protecting.
Are you worried about the effects of climate change on the children of Pennsylvania?
Aside from the threat to the natural beauty of our Commonwealth, climate change and the irresponsible management of our resources puts a strain on the health of our communities – and our children. Clean air and clean water are essential to the health, safety and development of the next generation of Americans.
Why is a bipartisan effort so important and how can these efforts be achieved in our politically polarizing culture?
While there are many unknowns as we transition from one administration to another, it’s important that we focus on what we do know. We know that the best ways to solve problems is to work together in good faith, and the best ways to accomplish great things is to fight the urge to put politics before people.
Washington needs independent voices now more than ever – especially when it comes to the environment and public health. The reality is, climate change is real and that humans are a contributing factor, and leaders on both sides of the aisle must take serious and reasonable steps to combat climate change. This isn’t about party.
That’s the kind of thinking we need. And it’s that pragmatism that pushed me to join the Climate Solutions Caucus on my first day in office. This bipartisan group will be the group that shows Washington how to forgo the political gamesmanship and get to work on ways we can improve our environment, address the realities of climate change and increase innovation with an eye toward sustainability.
After dedicating his professional life to the service and protecting others, Brian Fitzpatrick was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 2016 to represent the people of Pennsylvania’s Eighth Congressional District which includes all of Bucks County and a portion of northwestern Montgomery County. His top priorities in Congress are increasing economic opportunity and keeping our nation safe.
In the 115th Congress, Brian is a member of both the Foreign Affairs, Homeland Security and Small Business committees. Brian is the founding member of the Congressional Citizen Legislature Caucus, a bipartisan group of lawmakers committed to fighting for term limits and Congressional reforms, and a member of the No Labels ‘Problem Solver Caucus.’