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Impact Building Workshop: Learn how your voice can help create strong federal government rules on pollution

March 3, 2023
12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm EST

Do you want to learn more about how the federal government creates and implements rules? Are you eager to provide input on government actions?

Every year, federal government agencies issue rules that have important impacts on the environment and public health. Before these rules are finalized, agencies request comments from the general public to receive input. Public comments are an impactful tool for making your voice heard. Right now, EPA is requesting public comments on standards to limit dangerous soot pollution from tailpipes and smokestacks.

Join EDF Action, Moms Clean Air Force, and Defend Our Future for an interactive workshop to learn how to submit a public comment to a federal agency. This event will feature experts discussing soot pollution, the federal regulatory process, and how to write and submit comments to agencies.

RSVP here.