La salud de las madres latinas siempre ha estado bajo la amenaza de un problema invisible—la exposición a la contaminación y al calor extremo. La resolución 1494 “Protegiendo a las Madres Latinas del Calor Extremo y la Contaminación del Aire”, presentada por la congresista Nanette Diaz Barragán, marca un paso crucial hacia la mejora de la salud materna e infantil en nuestras comunidades.
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Una nueva resolución busca proteger a las madres latinas del calor extremo y la contaminación del aire
New Resolution Seeks to Protect Latina Mothers From Extreme Heat and Air Pollution
The health of Latina mothers has always been under the threat of an invisible problem—exposure to air pollution and extreme heat. A new congressional resolution introduced by Representative Nanette Diaz Barragán marks a crucial step toward protecting maternal and infant health from these threats.
How Moms Spent Climate Week 2024
Moms crisscrossed traffic-strewn New York City this week to participate in several Climate Week events, from a panel for Extreme Weather Survivors, to a conversation about hopeful climate action, to lessons on how to avoid chemicals in household products, to a lunch and learn about environmental justice.
Moms Join Rep. Nanette Barragán to Introduce Historic Latina Maternal Health Resolution
Latino communities need rapid and equitable interventions to address their unique vulnerabilities during pregnancy. That’s why Moms supports this historic congressional resolution that recognizes the threat of extreme heat and air pollution to Latina maternal and infant health.
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Read the latest news from Moms Clean Air Force staff and members in Arizona, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Vermont.
Moms Share Tips for Making Back-to-School Better: Moms Make News
Read the latest news from Moms Clean Air Force staff and members in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, New York, and Tennessee.
Back to School 2024: No ABCs Without A/C
As children across the United States start the school year, concerns about rising heat in classrooms continue. Moms’ Ylenia Aguilar shares her experience in Arizona with extreme heat and schools.
Electric Buses Are the Coolest Ride to School: Moms Make News
Read the latest news from Moms Clean Air Force staff and members in Iowa, New Mexico, New York, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Moms and Kids Play-In for Climate Action: Moms Make News
Read the latest news from Moms Clean Air Force staff and members in Colorado, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Washington, DC.
Montana Youth Make the Case for Their Future—Again: Moms Make News
Read the latest news from Moms Clean Air Force staff and members in Arizona, Iowa, Montana, and Nevada.
Supreme Court Ruling Puts Polluters Over People: Moms Make News
Read the latest news from Moms Clean Air Force staff and members in Arizona, Iowa, New Mexico, New York, Wisconsin, and Washington, DC.
The Temperature Is Rising, and So Is Climate Anxiety: Moms Make News
Read the latest news from Moms Clean Air Force staff and members in Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, and Vermont.