Learn about an Oklahoma bill that would make it easier for companies to hide information about pollution and find out why Oklahomans are rightly concerned.

Articles by Lisa Sharp
Changes in Oklahoma, But It’s Still Fracked
Read about disheartening election losses in Oklahoma indicating that the oil and gas undustry will continue to put profits over people.
Oklahoma’s “Mercury Alley” Town has Lowest Life Expectancy Rate
If you want to live a long life don’t move to Stilwell, Oklahoma. This small, rural town has the lowest life expectancy rate in the U.S.
As the Oklahoma Earthquake Debate Continues, Who Will Protect Families?
Read why earthquakes in Oklahoma continue to rattle the nerves of families, as the fracking and disposal well debate in Oklahoma continues.
Industry Pressure to Silence Scientists in Oklahoma Earthquake Swarms
Read about the link between oil and gas operations in Oklahoma and earthquake swarms, and the pressure industry puts on scientists to keep this quiet.
Oil and Gas Industry Linked to Quakes Shaking Oklahoma
Read about the rise of earthquakes in Oklahoma, and how the oil and gas industry is linked to the record number of earthquakes.
“We’ve Had Enough” – Denton, Texas Bans Fracking – Now Faces Legal Battle
Read about a ban of fracking in Denton, Texas and why citizens felt the ban was the only way to protect their health and the health of their families.
Keystone XL Pipeline Is Already Here In Oklahoma And Texas
As concerned citizens continue to fight the Keystone XL Pipeline’s northern route, the southern one is already flowing with oil.
Fishing For Mercury In Oklahoma
Learn about mercury pollution in Oklahoma’s lakes and how it affects the fish you may be eating and your health.
Tornadoes And Climate Change: Is There A Link?
Find out from a Moms Clean Air Force blogger and Oklahoma native if there is a link between climate change and tornadoes.
Are The New Weakened Cement Standards Enough?
The new cement standards issued by the EPA have been weakened by industry pressure, allowing pollution and health hazards to continue.
Is Extreme Weather The New Norm?
Learn how global warming and climate change are causing extreme weather events such as drought, storms and more.