Learn about indoor air pollution, whether air filters help reduce it and other measures you can take to protect your family.
Articles by Dr. Karen Lee
Broccoli Joins The Fight For Clean Air (With Recipe)!
Learn how eating broccoli can detox pollutants from your body.
A Graduation Speech From Our Planet
Read this graduation speech to find out what the planet would say if it was given an opportunity to speak at a graduation.
8 Tips To Improve Fuel Efficiency In Cold Weather
Find 8 great tips on how to improve fuel efficiency during cold weather.
A Personal Letter To New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Read a touching letter from Moms Clean Air Force blogger Karen Lee to Senator Gillibrand, urging her for strong leadership on toxic chemical reform.
6 Ways To Avoid An Asthma Attack On Halloween
Find out what may trigger an asthma attack on Halloween and learn 6 tips to avoid an attack.
Raising An Ecologically Conscientious Child
Find ecological parenting tips and help your child become an ecologically responsible citizen.
5 Reasons To Stop Idling Now
Stop idling your car while waiting. It’s bad for the environment and it wastes gas and money.
“Eco Mind” by Frances Moore Lappé: Review and Giveaway
Read this book review of of Eco Mind by Frances Moore Lappé, a well renown author, activist, and a visionary, and learn how you can win a copy of the book.
An Artistic Depiction Of Climate Change
Find out how some organizations and individuals are using more ‘realistic’ (and creative) ways to educate those who still don’t believe in climate change.
Allergies, Asthma, Climate Change…Oh My!
Learn the connection between climate change and allergies and asthma through one mother’s experience with her son’s food and environmental allergies.